Committee for Addressing Racism and Equity (CARE)

CARE's mission is to establishing an equitable, inclusive, and supportive community for students, faculty, and staff members at Dartmouth. Each of the chairs leads one sub-brand within the committee: institutional diversity, data collection and evaluation, and community network.

Become a member!

Co-Chair Duties:

  • Update the end-of-year report that identifies data about policies, demographics, and forms of discrimination at Guarini and recommendations for actionable changes.

  • Set goals and action items for their designated sub-branches each term of their elected year based on community input, policy research, and GSC approval

  • Plan and host events for Pride Month, Black History Month, Mental Health Awareness Month and more DEI events

  • Create and share posts with community members to update them on current actions and to provide information

  • Network and collaborate within the Dartmouth community

  • Attend monthly plenary meetings with fellow co-chair and representatives

Representative Duties:

  • Create social media posts through Canva

  • Attend monthly plenary meetings as well as CARE events

  • Volunteers with planning and helping set up for events

  • Stays up to date on what’s happening in the Dartmouth grad student community, as well as campus in general

  • Act as a proxy for GSC General Body Meetings as necessary

Upcoming CARE Events


2021 Recruitment Report

One of the goals of CARE during the 2020-2021 academic year was to provide recommendations for institutional changes. This report, focused on recruitment practices within Guarini, is a part of achieving this goal. You can find the report by clicking the link below.

CARE Information Signup